Ultimate Guide To Kayaking

Ultimate Guide To Kayaking

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Kayaking is a water sport that has kicked off over the last few years. So did the kayaking equipment industry.

Paddling around offshore is a great door activity that is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. You also have the choice of whether you wish to go for a casual or hardcore paddle.

Kayaks are used for various reasons but many anglers are turning to kayaks with upgrades suitable for fishing.

There are many different types of kayaks that are suited for different scenarios.

Beginner Kayaks

Once you have decided that you want to start kayaking as a hobby, you will first need to find the best kayak for beginners.

You do not want to have one that is too advanced as it will be far too difficult for a beginner to use and comfortably use a kayak paddle.

Of course, when you become more experienced, there is plenty of time to upgrade. We highly recommend a more appropriate kayak based upon your experience.

Before getting out on the water, we strongly recommend that you read kayaking tutorials that explain things in detail.

On top of this, learn some basic tips and skills that will help you out when you first get on the water. Take a look below.

Tandem Kayaks

Kayaking is generally more fun when you can enjoy it with others. This is possible by going out as a group or by using a tandem kayak, which allows you to paddle along with the company. It will require some teamwork but it does have benefits such as:

  • Easy to paddle long distance
  • Great safety backup with another paddler
  • Teamwork will result in more power
  • Can multitask
  • Great for bringing along your dog

For those that are new to kayaking and yet to purchase a beginner kayak, using a tandem is a great way to introduce them to the sport.

Having a company and someone more experienced to show them want to do is very useful.

Transporting Kayaks

Kayaks can be heavy and long, which makes transporting them without any equipment fairly difficult.

You will first need to be able to transport it from your home to the offshore location. That will involve your car.

You have the choice of attaching it to a trailer for kayaks or placing it on the roof.

As not everyone will have the budget or experience to use a trailer, using a kayak roof rack is a far more popular option.

They connect to a pair of roof crossbars simple and allow you to lift the kayak straight on top of the rack.

However, for large or heavy kayaks, this may require another pair of hands for lifting onto the roof.

Once you have arrived at the location, you will then need to transport the kayak to the water.

The best way to achieve this is to use a kayak cart, which allows you to effortlessly maneuver the kayak.

Many people may drag their kayak along the floor and this leads to pointless damage and therefore, a cart is a worthwhile investment.


Kayaking can be an expensive sport to get into but once you have all the equipment, they are durable enough to last many years.

The sport is suited to people of all ages and those that either want to casually paddle across a lake, go fishing or those who are more hardcore.

Some people may simply want to relax on a comfortable kayak seat and travel slowly on the water.

On the flip side, some people like the thrill of fast and hardcore kayaking such as white water kayaking.

Those that kayak on a regular basis will find their core strength and overall fitness improve greatly.

Investing in the correct equipment for kayaking is really important and you can see all our kayak equipment articles for a helping hand.